Observations from My Recent Experience with Overseas Clients

Until recently, I had not had many opportunities to work with overseas clients. However, as I began engaging with them more frequently, I noticed a key difference between the domestic and international translation processes. Unlike in Japan, where translators are expected to ensure a certain level of quality, overseas clients tend to seek Linguists rather than traditional Translators. As a result, I have been receiving more requests for translation reviews and other language-related tasks.

In industrial translation, specialized knowledge and accuracy are essential. During translation reviews, I often encounter incorrect use of technical terminology, which made me realize the difference in approaches. In Japan, translators are generally responsible for maintaining high quality with specialized expertise. In contrast, in overseas markets, reviewers seem to play a crucial role in ensuring quality.

It is not that the translation industry itself has changed, but rather that my own experience has expanded, allowing me to recognize these differences. As the required skills continue to evolve, I remain committed to improving my expertise and delivering high-quality translations that meet industry expectations.


Today, I took the Honyaku Kentei exam organized by the Japan Translation Federation.

In previous years, the exam has often featured questions based on editorials from scientific journals. However, this year, the material was taken directly from research papers. It brought back memories of the time I used to write academic papers myself. I focused on crafting translations that were concise, unambiguous, and flowed logically, staying true to the original text while ensuring clarity.

I have no way of knowing how it will be evaluated, but I believe I submitted the best work I could at this point in time. From here, all I can do is leave the rest to fate.